From the same hospitality team that created Salud Kitchen comes Mas Salud. Already known for their tacos, Salud expands on the culinary journey set forth for each customer. A traditional tapas style dining experience that takes you through southern and central America all the way to Spain. Starting with Mayan hummus and Mexican meatballs to Spanish style grilled octopus and chorizo. Pairing this mouth watering food with one of our homemade cocktails makes for one unforgettable night. Their extensive selection of wine by the glass and reserve list of exclusive blends will satisfy all palates.

Mas Saluds modern artsy design elicits flash photography as well as numerous social media posts. From walking under umbrellas as if you were in the streets of Portugal or Colombia to lounge seating and hanging chairs, there's an atmosphere for everyone. An eclectic soundtrack of music provides the perfect backdrop to a night of tapas and margaritas.

720 Clark St.
